Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Presentations: Day 2

Nels: I really enjoyed seeing "Key West" enacted through chemistry. It reminded me of bedtime stories my dad used to tell me--he wasn't big on fairly tales. His imagination was mostly reserved for the unseen world of reality instead of twisting the seen as most people do. I did have some difficulty following parts of your presentation. Having not seen your paper, I can't know if you have already done so--but I would suggest your adding an extremely simplified intro to your paper so that the remainder is more clear for those of us who haven't taken chemistry since freshman year. I feel like you did so already, but perhaps you could do so even further, just in the beginning.

Ashley: You were spectacular and I would love to talk to your more about Pale Fire outside of class.

Biz and myself: we failed to state an explicit link between our two topics which was that Nabokov's dyslexia/eideticism caused him to see the world differently than the average person (in case you hadn't noticed). He could look at a chess game at any point in the game and foresee the outcome. Thus, he was easily bored by normal chess and began to create his own chess problems and games as mind experiments. This was the tie between our two areas of study.

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